
Data privacy statement

This data privacy statement applies to SIGNAL IDUNA Rückversicherungs AG.


SIGNAL IDUNA Rückversicherungs Ltd. («we») takes your privacy and person seriously and we are concerned only to process any personal data that we collect with full transparency, and in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and about ensuring the safety of your personal data.


This data privacy statement notifies you which of your personal data we process, what we need the data for, and how you can reject the collection of data. If we refer to the processing of personal data in this data privacy statement, we thereby mean any handling of your personal data. This includes the saving, processing, use, deletion, etc. of personal data.


First and foremost, we process personal data which we have received within the scope of our business relationships with customers and business partners, and other participating people, or which we collect due to the operation of our website ( (“website”) and other applications by users. We process personal data in particular if this is necessary for business processes, such as the acquisition, application support, and risk assessment of applications, the management of customer relationships, the processing of offers and contracts, as well as damage claims, invoicing, answering questions and queries, and the evaluation, improvement and development of new products and services. This data privacy statement is applicable to all personal data which we collect from you as a person within the scope of our business activities, and via our website. By visiting our website, you declare that you agree to this data privacy statement and the processing of the data described therein. We receive further data if you contact us by email via the website. If you have provided us with consent to process your personal data for particular purposes (for example when registering to receive the specialist publication IN-DEPTH or to send a message to an email address stated on our website (, we process your personal data within the scope of and based on this consent. If you do not agree to this, we request that you do not use our website, or withdraw the consent already issued to us as per section 12 of this data privacy statement.



The term ‘personal data’ stands for all information, which allows a particular natural person or legal entity to be identified, or which refers to an identified or identifiable natural person or legal entity. This data concerns, on the one hand, information which directly identifies a person (e.g. your first name and surname, email address or social insurance number) as well as, on the other hand, information which identifies a person with other information and/or contains information about an identifiable person (such as your medical history, salary class, work function and position). All data which identifies you or recognisably refers to you, whether individually or combined, is treated as personal data by this data privacy statement.



SIGNAL IDUNA Reinsurance Ltd is responsible for the processing of your data.


SIGNAL IDUNA Reinsurance Ltd
Bundesplatz 1
6302 Zug




In general, you can visit our website without having to provide any details about your person. When visiting our website, our servers temporarily save each access in a log file. The following technical data is thereby automatically recorded, without your aid, and saved until automatic deletion:


  • The IP address of the requesting computer
  • The date and time of the access
  • The website from which the page was accessed, where applicable with the keyword used
  • The name and the URL of the accessed file
  • Search queries made (general search function for websites, financial reports etc.)
  • The browser used by you and, where applicable, the operating system of your computer
  • The device type in the event of access by mobile phone
  • The transfer protocol used


Data which you actively transfer when visiting our website. When visiting the website, you can:


  • Register for our specialist magazine IN-DEPTH, which requires your email address, company name, country and your name, provided voluntarily by you to us, with registration via the contact form, and, therefore, your consent for us to send you the desired IN-DEPTH specialist magazine.
  • Contact us: We receive further data, when you communicate with us via our contact form or via the stated email address ( In this case, or if you contact us via the website in any other way, you provide this data to us voluntarily, and thereby with your consent.
  • Your name
  • Your company
  • You address, incl. country
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your telephone number
  • Your message


In the area of application of the European General Data Protection Regulation, the legal basis for the processing of data is Art. 6, paragraph 1 GDPR. Our justified interest arises from the data collection purposes mentioned in section 4. Under no circumstances do we use the collected data for the purpose of drawing conclusions about your person. Furthermore, we use cookies as well as analysis services when you visit our website. Further information about this can be found in the following sections of this data privacy statement.


To receive more information and to find out more about how and to what extent you can avoid the collection of this data, please also see our cookie information in section 5 of this data privacy statement.



Data which you provide us with actively:


This data is collected for the following purposes:


  • To allow us to send you the specialist magazine IN-DEPTH you have requested, as well as any other specialist information;
  • To allow us to process your request;
  • To understand which services and products interest you;
  • To send you information about our products and services.

Your consent to the processing of your data for these purposes can be revoked at any time by sending an e-mail to the following address: A revocation does not affect the legality of the processing done until the revocation in any way.


Data which we receive automatically when you visit our website:

The afore-mentioned data is processed by us for the following purposes:


  • To guarantee a connection to the website can be smoothly established;
  • To guarantee the website can be used comfortably;
  • To resolve errors;
  • To evaluate the system safety and stability; and
  • For further administrative and internal statistical purposes.


To receive more information and to find out more about how and to what extent you can avoid the collection of this data, please also see our cookie information in section 5 of this data privacy statement.



We do not use cookies on our website.



We use individual tracking tools to ensure the continual improvement of our website.

We use tracking measures to collect statistics about the use of our website, and to evaluate the data to optimise our online offer for you.


The respective data processing purposes and data categories can be seen in the information below about the respective tracking tools.


MyFonts Counter

Our website uses MyFonts Counter, a web analysis service of MyFonts Inc., 500 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, MA 01801, USA. Based on the licence conditions, page view tracking is performed for statistical purposes by counting the number of visits to our website, and is transferred to MyFonts. This means, for example, that the IP address or technical data of the website visitor’s terminal device may be transferred to MyFonts. The transfer of data is done, if necessary, by activating the JavaScript code in your browser. To prevent the execution of JavaScript code by MyFonts, you can install a JavaScript blocker (e.g. Further information about data privacy at MyFonts can be found at the following link:



A transfer of data to unauthorised foreign third parties is not done without the consent of the data subject and if non-legal provisions request a transfer of data without consent. The parent company SIGNAL IDUNA Group, 44139 Dortmund, Germany and/or other subsidiaries or branch offices, which have an equivalent data privacy policy to SIGNAL IDUNA Rückversicherungs AG, are not deemed to be third parties. 


We can make your data available to the following third parties:


  • Service providers who we commission to provide services for us, such as the hosting and support of our website, bookkeeping or to process payments. For the performance of their services, these service providers may have access to your data, and can receive, store or process this data for us in any other way. Our contracts with these service providers do not, however, allow them to use your data for their own purposes, including for their own marketing purposes. In agreement with the applicable legal requirements, we demand actions by these third parties – within the scope of what is financially reasonable – to provide suitable protection of your data and only to process the data in accordance with our instructions.
  • Any third party, if a court or official order, or the law, requires this from us.
  • To any organisations in emergency situations, which require the data to be disclosed.
  • Furthermore, we reserve the right to make your data available to other third parties, to pursue an overwhelming, legitimate interest (if this is permitted according to the applicable laws and regulations). For example, we are allowed to forward data to law enforcement authorities to investigate illegal behaviour, or we are allowed to use data in a court of law or debt collection proceedings in order to assert our rights.
  • We are permitted to also transfer your personal data to third parties (for example external service providers) abroad. They are obliged to maintain the same level of data protection as we have. If the level of data protection in a country does not correspond to the Swiss level, we will ensure, by means of a contract (namely on the basis of the so-called standard contract clauses of the European Commission), that the protection of your personal data corresponds to the protection provided in Switzerland at all times.



We take measures to ensure that the data which comes under this data privacy statement is processed in accordance with the provisions of this data privacy statement and the requirements of the applicable law, wherever the data is located.


Your data is stored in Switzerland and normally also processed in Switzerland. Depending on the service provider, it your data may be stored and processed outside of Switzerland.


If we make your data available in other countries outside of the European Economic Area, we will only do this in accordance with the applicable data privacy law by concluding corresponding data transfer contracts and standard clauses with the respective recipients.



We are concerned about ensuring the safety of your data.


Our safety measures include, in particular, the encrypted transfer of data between your browser and our server. The network and the computers of the Signal Iduna Group are protected from unauthorised access by security systems. All access and access attempts are logged for preventative safety reasons. Our safety measures are continually adapted according to the latest developments in technology.


NOTE: When using Microsoft Internet Explorer, there may be technical problems when accessing encrypted “https” pages, if your browser version only supports 40-bit encryption. The necessary safety update (so-called High Encryption Pack) for the Microsoft browser can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. After completing the installation of the update, you should be able to access encrypted pages without difficulties.


Furthermore, we ensure contractually that the recipients of your data also process your data as per section 8 of this data privacy statement in a secure manner, to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data.


We take suitable precautions to protect your data. Please also be aware that the information you send to us or have sent to us by electronic means, in particular by e-mail, text message, via contact forms etc., is normally not encrypted. Even if the transfer is encrypted, the recipient and sender are not encrypted. The transfer of information via the internet and other electronic means always has certain safety risks and we cannot provide any guarantee about the security of information which is sent in this way.



When visiting our website, our servers temporarily save each visit in server log files. The collection and processing of this data is done for system security and stability, and for the analysis of errors, and allows us to optimise our website for your visit. The following technical data is compiled and saved by us until the automatic deletion after six months at the latest:


  • The IP address of the requesting computer
  • The date and time of the access
  • The website from which the page was accessed
  • The name and the URL of the accessed file
  • The device type in the event of access by mobile phone
  • The status code of the access

We store the data which you have transferred actively to us, as long as is necessary for the purpose (your e-mail address or address, for example, while you are subscribed to the specialist journal) and longer, if a legal storage obligation exists or if we retain the data until any associated claims have expired (e.g. data associated with orders and the delivery of products and services). Legal storage periods remain unaffected by this.


If we have a presence on a social media site, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Yammer, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube etc., and you visit our website, you should familiarise yourself with the settings on social media platforms in advance, which allow you to influence how data is processed by the operators of these platforms and is made available to third parties.

For each platform the data privacy practices and guidelines of the respective operator apply. We therefore recommend that you study the affected data privacy guidelines, conditions of use and other information about how your data is processed on these social media platforms.

Our website may contain links to third party websites, for example in our social media feeds. If you click on these links, you are taken away from our website. We reject any responsibility or liability for the processing of your data by the respective organisations. For more information and details, please consult the data protection provisions of the websites you visit.



You have the right:


  • To request information about the personal data saved about you;
  • To request the correction, supplementation, blocking or deletion of your personal data;
  • To reject the use of your data for marketing purposes;
  • If our processing of data is based on your consent, you have the right to revoke the consent you have issued to us at any time. By doing so, we are no longer allowed to process the data based on this consent in the future.

If you wish to make a request of this kind or if you have a question about the processing of your data, or about this data privacy statement, then please contact us by email:



This data privacy statement is subject to Swiss Law, to the exclusion of the provisions on the conflict of laws. The courts at the registered office of SIGNAL IDUNA Rückversicherungs AG in the Canton of Zug are exclusively responsible for the assessment of disputes which arise from, or in connection with, this data privacy statement.



We regularly check and amend our data privacy statement.

SIGNAL IDUNA Reinsurance Ltd

Bundesplatz 1, Postfach 7737, CH-6302 Zug, Switzerland, +41 41 709 05 05,